
A headshot of Yingzi Xiong

Hi, I am Yingzi Xiong (熊樱子). It is nice to meet you.

I am an Assistant Professor at the Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center, Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University.

Before I join the faculty team at JHU, I was a research Assistant Professor at the Minnesota Laboratory of Low-Vision Research, the Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Science, and a fellow at the Envision Research Institute.

I am interested in how the human brain learns new knowledge, adapts to changes, and rehabilitates after impairments occur. In my Ph.D and postdoc years, I have been seeking the answers to these questions in human vision and hearing, from both basic and translational science points of view. These experiences have offered me a unique and multi-dimentional view of human functioning, adaptation and rehabilitation.

My career goal is to improve the independence and quality of life for people with sensory loss. My approach is connecting the research world to the rehablitation needs of people with sensory loss. I investigate the interaction of senses in real life activities to develop effective training methods, establish tools for clinical and self-assessment, and increase the accessibility of digital devices and environments.

My research is supported by a R00 award from the National Eye Institute and an internal funding from the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University.

This is going to be a journey with a lot of excitement, trial and errors, laughter, tears, and of course, a lot of grant applications. But I will always be motivated to move forward, because I love what I am doing.